Home Review Aumeo Headphone Personalizer

Review Aumeo Headphone Personalizer



  • Innovatief
  • Vrijwel alles gaat beter klinken
  • Bluetooth


  • Effect bij open modellen is soms niet helemaal lekker
  • Accuduur kan beter

Prijs: € 199


Specificaties Aumeo Audio personalizer


Model Aumeo Audio Personalizer
Kleuren Zilver, Zwart en Goud
Bluetooth V3.0, AD2P profile
Accu 3,7 volt, 440 mAh (6 uur met BT en 8 uur met kabel) Opladen: 2 uur
Prijs 199 euro


De Aumeo doet wat het belooft: uw oren meten en daarmee de tekortkomingen compenseren. Dat doet het netjes en zonder hoorbare processing. Wij hebben het apparaatje in ieder geval met plezier gebruikt! De bluetooth-optie is erg handig. En in veel gevallen werkt het prima. We hebben echter heel soms wel drop-outs gehad. Via de kabel klinkt het geheel overigens ietsje beter.

Enige punten van kritiek zijn de accuduur en de effecten bij een open hoofdtelefoon.


    • Aumeo zegt er zelf het volgende over:
      Yes and no. Graphic equalizer is part of what it does, but Aumeo’s true value is in its ability to measure your ears accurately using audiology science (97% accurate according to our clinical trial), and customize sound to your left and right ears separately.

      Inside every Aumeo, there is a powerful DSP (Digital Signal Processor) to perform the required processing for the audio personalization. It is thanks to these recent developments in DSP technology that portable devices such as the Aumeo can be made.

      The usual processing of music inside most music players and mobile phones use 5 frequency bands for adjustments. These are called templates, which are not and cannot be customised to the individual’s biological sensitivity, even if the user was given full control on inputting the adjustments.

      These templates are generally designed for different types or genres of songs to bring out their supposed characteristics, instead of being designed for your ears or audio equipment.

      Aumeo on the other hand adjusts sound according to your ears’ sensitivity based on medical practices using very precise adjustments to fit sound as closely to your ear. We tailor 15 frequency bands for each ear.

      Previously this was only possible with large professional equipment in studios. Now you can enjoy these fine-tuned adjustments in the palm of your hand.

      In short, Aumeo personalizes sound based on your ears’ unique biological sensitivity, not personal taste. With our science-based, easy-to-use audio profiling process that takes as little as 1 minute, you can get as close to the flat frequency response as your ears can perceive. This takes hours of guesswork and the potential for incorrect adjustments out of the tuning process.

        • Hi Vincent,

          Thanks for your question! Now we don’t speak Dutch and much of what I understand from your comment is thanks to Google Translate, but I hope the following helps:

          Yes, an equalizer is involved. However as others have helpfully pointed out, Aumeo:

          1. Measures your hearing sensitivity to these frequencies so there’s no more guesswork to what creates a flat response for you. (Our hearing measuring technology is tested in clinical trials with a 97% accuracy, which as far as we know is the most accurate on the market.)

          2. Adjusts sound to your left and right ears independently

          3. Can be used with any of your wired headphones, and as a bonus can let you use wired headphones with smartphones like the iPhone 7 which has no headphone jack

          Hope this helps!

